Thug stamped on man's head in Leeds hospital casualty department attack

Aiden Mercer.Aiden Mercer.
Aiden Mercer.
A violent thug was caught on camera stamping on a man's head in a hospital accident and emergency department.

Aiden Mercer also threatened the victim with a wooden pole during the attack at Leeds General Infirmary.

Leeds Crown Court was shown security camera footage of the attack which took place in front of an elderly patient.

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Michael Smith, prosecuting, said the incident happened just before midnight on July 26 this year.

Mercer could be seen arguing with a man eating food in the reception area before punching him to the face.

The victim fell to the ground and Mercer stamped on his head.

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Mr Smith said Mercer had a two-foot long wooden pole in the back of his trousers which he took out and used it to threaten the man as he “cowered” on the floor.

Mercer then walked away but returned and continued to threaten the man with the weapon.

Mercer was chased from the hospital by security officers and detained.

The victim was spoken to by police outside the hospital but refused to co-operate with the investigation and left.

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Mr Smith said the man has still not been identified or traced.

Mercer was arrested and admitted attacking the man during interview.

Mr Smith said: “He said his memory was vague as he had had a significant quantity to drink.”

Mercer, of Hyde Park Road, Leeds, pleaded guilty to affray and threatening with an offensive weapon.

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The court heard he has previous convictions for robbery and had been released from prison on licence six days before the attack.

Michael Miller, mitigating, said Mercer could not recall why he was in the hospital.

He said Mercer may have ended up in the building as he took a short cut home through the hospital grounds.

Mercer was jailed for 30 months.

Recorder Paul Greaney, QC, said: “It is absolutely plain that you are a man with a propensity for violence.

“I take the view that this is a very bad offence of its type.

“An elderly and infirm patient was present when you started the attack.”